swimming dragon qigong

for vitality with Atonka

March 8, 2024

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Swimming Dragon Qigong for Vitality

* No parking at Nama-Stay. Please park in town and walk to Nama-Stay Pavilion.


When we get to know the power of creation, we learn to become good caretakers of heaven/earth/human. Three treasures (Jing, Qi and Shen) that makes up One Whole. Together, they generate a harmony that strengthens the qualities of a divine human. A human that lives in harmony with nature and all lifeforms in creation.

This beautiful simple movement is a one movement wonder. It gives you so many health benefits: beautiful skin, hormone balance, energy and great vitality. It will help you enhance both energy and strong spirit and blood circulation. It has the ability to help regulate appetite, vitalizing the depth of breathing, soothing anxiety, invoking natural weight loss (if needed), improve hormone balance, structure alignment and vital bone health. Practicing the Swimming Dragon rejuvenates spinal and kidney fluid, while reaching healthy brain function and pure consciousness in everyday life

~ No pre-requisites needed. Everybody is welcome! It’s a simple movement, for all age groups, great for travels and everyday harmonious living. Join this 2 hour class.


plan to arrive 5-10 minutes before start time to set up your space

if desired, bring a yoga mat, blanket and a small pillow for comfort (you will be sitting on the floor, bring what makes you most comfortable)

dress in layers so you are able to adjust your body temperature as needed and wear fabrics that are natural fibers.

eat a full meal 2 hours before, or a light snack if closer to the ceremony start time

if you’d like, bring crystals and a bottle of drinking water to be energetically cleared and amplified by the journey