Lunar Journey
with Jennifer & Jason
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
* No parking at Nama-Stay. Please park in town and walk to Nama-Stay Pavilion.
recover. restore. reset.
Join us for an evening of Yoga, sound and community
drop into a state of deep meditation. as we honor every phases of our lives. Together we will restore vitality to the three pyramids of life. harmonizing and recalibrating our frequencies, we calm the mind, relax the body, and activate the body’s natural healing systems. remembering to receive the entirety of life.
journey structure
15 minute breathwork & mind release
30 minutes movement & kriya yoga -
30 minutes meditation, sound healing & mantra
alleviate tension and anxiety
reclaim chi flow
boost immunity
balance energy centers
emotional harmony
prepare for your experience
no parking at the Nama-stay, please park in town and walk to the meditation pavilion at 111 juniper ln
plan to arrive 5-10 minutes before start time to set up your space
if desired, bring a yoga mat, blanket and a small pillow for comfort (we will be lying on the floor)
dress in layers so you are able to adjust your body temperature as needed
eat a full meal 2 hours before, or a light snack if closer to the ceremony start time
if you’d like, bring crystals and a bottle of drinking water to be energetically cleared and amplified by the journey